What is SEO / Search Engine Optmization Meaning and Techniques detail
Why Search Engine optmization is so Important for Website / App
Search engine optimization is broke down into two basic areas:
1. On-page SEO - On-page optimization will be designed to make prominent for search engine algorithms.On-page Search Engine Optmization is most essential part of SEO for every individual pages Element and Technical set-up of Website. It include textual and visual content, Responsiveness or user friendly of your site.
2. On-page SEO - Off-page Search Engine Optmization genrating traffic to your website or individual webpage . Its making your business branding and appear in the Search result in to Search engine. Off-page Seo having link building, Social Media optmization, Local SEO techniques.
6w or (5w+h) Do you know about..what ,When, Where, How ,Which, Why. in Case you type a query or question "how to do search engine optmization".you saw the top result in search engine like website or Some (advertisment) after that you clicked. Some links or result visible insearch engine then you clicked and jumped to wesbite. it takes 5-15 second times to open mobile site loads and immediately you left the site or jumped to anoter website. you got better result but no satisfaction because the information you want that available before visited site.
The question about SEO & What are the most important factors.
Type of Search in Search Engine
Google's / Bing / yandex Search Algorithm and Ranking System (SERP)
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