Invalidated Google ads Promotional Code | Learn How get 20000 Google ads credit Benefits

If you have received a Google Ads promotional code and it has been invalidated or is not working, there are a few possible reasons for this:

Expired Promotion: Promotional codes typically have an expiration date. If you try to use a code after it has expired, it will not work.

Already Used: Most Google Ads promotional codes can only be used once per account. If you or someone else has already used the code on your account, it cannot be used again.

Account Eligibility: Some promotional codes are only available to new Google Ads accounts or accounts that have not previously used promotional codes. If your account does not meet the eligibility criteria, the code will not work.

Geographic Restrictions: Some promotional codes are region-specific and may only work for accounts in certain countries or regions. Make sure the code matches the region associated with your account.

Account Age: In some cases, Google may require your account to be a certain age or have a history of account activity before you can use a promotional code.

Adherence to Terms and Conditions: Ensure that you are following Google Ads' terms and conditions when using the promotional code. Violating their policies can result in the code being invalidated.

If you believe your promotional code should be valid and it's not working, it's best to contact Google Ads support for assistance. They can provide specific information about why the code is not working for your account and help you resolve the issue. You can usually find contact information for Google Ads support within your Google Ads account or on the Google Ads website

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